An Invitation to the Team @
Harvest Sherwood to Sample our Dashboards
We would love to Zoom with you anytime, but wanted to offer this easy access
Click and watch the Inventory Brothers @ Catalyst
share a few of our favorite Inventory Dashboards
We monitor these together
The 10 Key Values
This is something we do together with each customer. You will quickly have greater control over your Inventory Investment. (Click play, then expand to full screen)
You will always be in the know
Daily Demand Highlights
Use this new approach to view and filter in a custom way for each day and each Inventory Planner. No more surprises (Click Play, then expand to full screen)
Operations Spotlight
No longer blind to the stories
Visual Lead Time Forecasting
Finally see what is really happening and use Filters to expose the unique stories within the data.
(Click play, then expand to full screen)
On time & In full...
Supplier Performance
What is your Service % from your Suppliers? Is it seasonal? Is it trending? Are they consistently poor on some item groups? What is it costing you?
A reminder that you are Investors!
Inventory Income Statement
As a business owner within the business, what is your bottom line? How about the Net Profit and Operating Cost of your Slow Movers? How about New Items?
Time for a Deep Dive
Period-End Performance
Go beyond summary totals and results by supplier. How is performance on those unique inventory sectors like Slow Movers, New Items, Seasonal Slow Movers, On-Promo, Imports, High Gross Margin Items and more
No more living on Excel
Spreadsheets to Dashboards
Let us take your ERP data, spreadsheets and other data sources and make them come to life in pictures
Team Financials
Sales & Operations Planning
The wisdom of the crowd. For decades we have learned that HVAC wholesale distributors want to know where they stand. They are willing to share their strengths and anxious to learn from other leaders.
Yes, there are many more, but you get the idea
While you are here, visit our Good to Great Resources
used by numerous Inventory Teams
Good to Great Resources
Good to Great
10 Steps to World Class Inventory
A roadmap from Good to Great. Many Inventory Teams have followed this path. Analyze each building block, be honest about your current grade and mover forward make each element stronger. Results will follow
Good to Great
Making a Champion Leader
For 40 years the formula remains unchanged: Strong Executive support and a talented, equipped and inspired Champion person or team. Results will follow
Good to Great
Hiring & Developing the Team
The most important decision you will make will be your next hire. Hire for talent and passion over experience. Look for the attributes found in this guide. Results will follow
Good to Great
Salary & Career Guide
Inventory Planning / Buying is a great profession! Now make it a career destination and be ready to guide your professionals on their personal journeys. This guide will help ensure that your pros stay for the long haul. Results will follow